
The Pretty Ones

The 2016 Seattle International Film Festival screened the North American Premiere of "Las lindas" (English captions), a documentary submitted by Argentina. Unfortunately, this isn't a review because I joined the silent dribble of screening folks who exited the theater as soon as we discovered the quality, the technique and watched yet another clichéd night club scene with young people bobbing senselessly,  inane conversation shouted over tuneless music and strobe lights flashing.

Director Melisa Liebenthal, age 24, has assembled a group of friends who wryly discuss the images and roles society has for young women and the pressures those represent. She uses interviews, family photos, and videos.

I should have watched:
  • Melisa Liebenthal
  • Josefina Roveta
  • Victoria D'Amuri
  • Camila Magliano
  • Michelle Sterzorvsky
  • Sofía Mele
Our screening audience was reduced by a significant number and I personally didn't wait to see what the survivors thought of it. I've let you down, but think maybe you should know my impression.