

This prequel to the "X-Men" franchise tells the story of our favorite mutant, "Wolverine," and how he got that way.

Because I am blinded by Hugh Jackman's persona (one of my friends calls him "Jack Hughman"), I am inclined to overlook any defects in those movies in which he appears ("Swordfish," "The Fountain" and "Australia").

His co-star, Liev Schreiber ("The Painted Veil," "Defiance" and "The Manchurian Candidate" - 2004), shared billing with him in an earlier project, "Kate and Leopold." This time out, they are conflicted brothers.

Anyone familiar with the "X-Men" series already knows the mind-boggling super powers bestowed on our cherished mutants, so there is no point in reiterating them here. As you might expect, this movie is loaded with computer generated special effects, interesting locations and LOTS of blowie uppie stuff, but for a refreshing change of pace, a military officer is one of the GOOD guys!

If you like action-filled spectacles, CGI and/or Hugh Jackman, you'll like this movie, otherwise....eh... (I liked it.)