Submitted by Cuba to the 2015 Seattle International Film Festival, this dreary dramedy is written by Claudia Muñiz and directed by Kiki Álvarez.
We come to (sorta) know the hopes and dreams of:
- Claudia Muñiz who plays Violeta, the sleep-deprived hairdresser with the loser of a boyfriend.
- Jazz Filá is Ada-Adelberto, the drag queen who talks some sense into her.
- Marianela Pupo and Maribel Garcia Garzón are Mayelín and Mónica, Violeta's two companions, lurching around town in high heels that hurt their feet, fending off aggressive advances from drunks, regretting an unexpected pregnancy, visiting a bizarre discotheque, and making poor, poor choices in men.
- Jorge Molina is Coco, who seems to be Violeta's brain-damaged brother.
- The captions are pretty good.