From the first note of the classic Western score by Joel McNeely and the first breathtaking shot of Monument Valley, Utah by cinematographer Michael Barrett, I knew we were in for a full-out gallop! Be prepared for a lewd, racist, raunchy, sexist, gross, clichéd, disgusting, scatological, 116 laugh-out-loud minutes. I can't begin to tell you all the surprise guests; you wouldn't believe me anyway.
If you've seen "Ted" there are very few surprises. This movie is violent (someone is crushed to death), profane (it's Seth MacFarlane!), has gunfights (it's a Western), but not one bit of blowie uppie stuff. It veers wildly amid contemporary topical humor, in-crowd jokes and parodies of "real" westerns, ...all done with a tip of the Stetson, an unorthodox showdown, and a straight face.
This is the cast:
- Seth MacFarlane ("Family Guy") is Albert, a straight-arrow sheep farmer in love with Louise, a big-eyed charmer, who is getting really bored.
- Amanda Seyfried ("The Big Wedding") Louise is bored, bored, bored.
- Neil Patrick Harris ("The Smurfs") is Foy, who has a dashing mustache and is NOT boring!
- Giovanni Ribisi ("Gangster Squad") is the virginal Edward, engaged these many years to....
- Sarah Silverman ("Gravy") Ruth is a working girl with a heart of gold...and a potty mouth. She wears a crucifix and lovingly declines premarital sex with Edward because "We're Christians!"
- Charlize Theron ("Promethius") is Anna, the mysterious new woman in town who takes a shine to our brow-beaten hero. I have never seen Theron sling a gun or do comedy before and she's terrific!
- Liam Neeson ("Non-Stop") is Clinch (great name!), Anna's husband, a notorious gunman come to settle the score because he has heard a rumor about his wife.... Watch her give him a flower!
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Take a look at an interview
(you have to be 17 or older and register to see the trailer):
(you have to be 17 or older and register to see the trailer):
If you really want to see the trailer, YOYO:
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