Almodóvar is best known for his impressive direction of actresses, and this film is no different. Key roles are performed by:
- Penélope Cruz (see above) plays a secretary in desperate need for extra cash to help her grievously ill father. She calls a former employer (a madam) and begs for part time work.
- Lluís Homar plays a scriptwriter/movie director who auditions Cruz for a film role. Even though she isn't very good, he is so smitten with her that he casts her in the lead.
- Blanca Portillo ("Volver") is an often-honored actress in Europe. Here she plays the director's vitally important assistant, always efficient, always vigilant, always anticipating his every need.
- Ángela Molina ("Live Flesh") is our heroine's desperate mother, seeking help for her ailing husband.
- José Luis Gómez ("Goya's Ghosts") is the handsome son of that efficient assistant. He too, assists the director/scriptwriter and is collaborating with him on a script about vampires.
Almodóvar is a terrific director. His movies are accessible, interesting, and competently shot. He tends to lean toward the melodramatic, but I usually forgive him because his movies deserve it (they are in Spanish with English subtitles). You can expect parent/child issues, along with secrets from the past. In other words, issues with universal appeal.