
The Virginity Hit

You deserve to know why I disliked this movie so much:
  • To witness the plotting and conniving on the part of "friends" to help a teenage boy lose his virginity is a major snooze.
  • Hand-held camera work is often burred, herky-jerky and muffled. This "movie" is VERY blurred, herky-jerky and muffled!
  • I don't like to see nice people humiliated.
  • Drug use is not entertaining.
  • A gang of school chums is NOT a reliable source for good relationship advice.
I realize the production team of Owen Burke and Will Ferrell (LOTS of TV shorts) is enormously popular in the Viral Video world, but that is not MY world. I find their work to be immature, raunchy and worst of all, boring. The screening audience (which included, to my dismay, children of eight or ten!) was mostly silent. There were very few spots that generated any laughter, and even that was mostly embarrassed and uncomfortable.

Your time is valuable and I'm not going to waste any more of it. The 86 minutes I lost should be enough for all of us.