This PG-13 Action/Comedy is directed by Greg Mottola ("The Newsroom") based on a script by Michael LeSieur ("Glory Daze"). Expect action, vehicular mayhem, lots of gunfire and some profanity; the comedy is pretty broad (Galifianakis is in it!) but LeSieur's heart is in the right place.
Here is part of the cast:
- Gal Gadot ("Wonder Woman") Natalie Jones is perfect. Perfect hair, perfect teeth, perfect body, perfect house. Ugh! She even has a cooking blog on television. We hate her already!
- Jon Hamm ("Absolutely Fabulous: The Movie") Tim Jones is the perfect mate for Natalie. Just LOOK at him! And all those fascinating stories from his travels around the world, Too, too much!
- Isla Fisher ("The Brothers Grimsby") On the other hand, Karen
Gaffney is anything but perfect. First of all, she's a snoop. Nothing gets by her and all of a sudden she has a lot to watch!
- Zach Galifianakis ("Bob's Burgers") Karen's husband Jeff, is a self-effacing guy who works in the Human Resources department doing conflict resolution at a large corporation. He's a big fan of indoor skydiving, and is very accommodating, e.g., everyone borrows his computer to do personal stuff and on top of that, he's a GREAT listener!
- And then there are the Craverstons, Meg and Dan, played by Maribeth Monroe and Matt Walsh ("Adam Ruins Everything" and "Brooklyn Nine-Nine"). She's in real estate and he works for the same company as
Jeff. They have four children under the age of 12 with braces on their teeth.
- Patton Oswalt (LOTS of TV) Bruce is the linchpin. See how important a parking space at work can become...
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Take a peek:
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