If you have followed Gondry's career, you already know cinema is his playground; "Mood Indigo," "Be Kind Rewind," "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Soul," are just a few of his inimitable films. This latest one has much less whimsy and far more heart!
Once again he has assembled a terrific cast for his earnest examination of teenage friendship.
His cast:
- Douglas Brosset is Oscar, an undersized teenager nicknamed "Microbe." He is an artist and of course he is misunderstood, overlooked and teased.
- Audrey Tautou is Marie-Thérèse, his depressed mother.
- Ange Dargent is Daniel, his older brother, who unexpectedly loans Oscar his GPS.
- Theophile Baquet plays Theo, the audacious newcomer who
is smart, inventive, resourceful (and misunderstood). This handsome
charmer can build all sorts of things out of scrap, including the
perfect use for a two-stroke gasoline engine, hence his nickname, "Gasoil."
- Diane Besnier brings us Laura, the lovely girl of Oscar's dreams.
This one is satisfying on so many levels I won't try to list them. This is R-rated because it is European, with a little different sensibility from what we construe as acceptable for our teenagers. More's the pity. I loved it!
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