Chick Flick Alert! What a nice, nice movie! AND it has Nathan Fillian, that yummy Canadian actor who starred in "Firefly" and "Serenity." (He also starred in "Slither" but I won't admit I have seen it!)
It also features Keri Russell ("The Upside of Anger") as Jenna, an unhappily married woman whose only delight is creating new pies for the small-town diner where she is a waitress/cook.
The diner is owned by a local wealthy curmudgeon, played by Andy Griffith ("Rustlers' Rhapsody") who is also their most demanding and difficult customer. The other two waitresses in the diner are played by Cheryl Hines and Adrienne Shelly, who also wrote and directed this, her first feature film. Tragically, Ms. Shelly was murdered by a construction worker at her home in NYC before her film debuted at Sundance, so the other actresses had to pinch hit with interviews, etc. Ms. Shelly leaves a four-year-old son and a husband.
After the three gals do a home pregnancy test, they determine that Jenna is pregnant, so she goes to see her doctor, who was also the one who delivered her and has been her doctor all her life. Jenna is not happy about being pregnant, but she does not even consider an abortion. She just wants to leave her husband, enter a pie-baking contest and go into business for herself. To that end, she has been hiding bits of money all over the house from her worthless, controlling husband. Now she can't see how she will be able to leave him if she has a baby to contend with.
Her regular doctor has decided to go into permanent semi-retirement, so Jenna has to see the new doctor instead (Fillian). Thus begins our story...
Keri Russell is luminous, Nathan Fillian is appealing as hell, and Andy Griffith gets most of the good lines.
...and NO blowie uppie stuff! Go see it!