This is the perfect setup for a silly pairing of two highly successful comic actors which pays off under the direction of Etan Cohen (writer for "Men in Black 3"). The tagline is "Sometimes you need a hand to get hard," so you can see right away that this is definitely R-rated and pointed toward the lowest common denominator!
We watch:
- Kevin Hart ("Ride Along") is currently Hollywood's Flavor-of-the-Year, appearing in seven films in 2014 alone! His character here, Darnell Lewis, is typical Kevin Hart: a fast-talking, clueless little con man, making it up as he goes along but intimidated by his wife at home.
- Edwina Findley Dickerson ("Treme") Rita does not want her law-abiding husband to pretend he's a felon.
- Will Ferrell ("Casa de mi Padre") James King is scared witless of prison. This racially tone-deaf fellow is looking for survival techniques and is willing to pay for them! Of course this is Will Ferrell, so expect lots of nudity and raunch.
- Craig T. Nelson ("Parenthood") Martin is the boss, using all his clout to exonerate our hero. He is also his soon-to-be father-in-law.
- Alison Brie ("The Lego Movie") Sexy fiancée Alissa knows what she wants: James; wealth; a newer, bigger house; and a happy daddy.
- T.I. ("Identity Thief") Russell is top dog in his band of brothas. James wants him to provide protection while he is in prison.
- Singer John Mayer makes a surprise appearance as himself; he shows us that he'd better not quit his day job.
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Watch some silly stuff:
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Watch some silly stuff:
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